Thinking In French

I, for you, have love

With you, all times there is a blue world

It is good. The blue world is good.

This is what I call myself, it is what I am but I don’t say that. It is something I have but I don’t say that either.

Help, from you, for me, please in three words?

Beauty is not neutral, it depends on the subject. But it is all times beauty.

I, for you, give best wishes.

I, for you, come over with specific possessions.

Context is of all things, of all times

Yes, less words can also mean more words.

We, as in many of us that I am a part of, have to listen to everything that isn’t said to know what will be written.

All thoughts become a u-turn, I do not mind it.

I can say my questions marks, three different ways.

You can answer, I will think through a mirror.


Scorpio Season Symbolism


Notes on Forgiveness