
ideas, poems, fleshed out notions of existence, think pieces & feel pieces, some humour & some pain.

find the rich, written archives here

Photo Albums

film rolls, photoshoots, curated galleries, scanned journals and notes, collages, irl art made url

find the visual, immersive archives here

Tape Recorder

an audio diary with an intimate, sporadic and real-life-conversation feeling tone to connect authentically

find the unedited, audio archives here

Recently Added

  • downloads, backgrounds, workshops and things made for you. Find horoscopes and booklets and gifts from the universe to you via me in this space.


  • this will take you to the artists way portal. it is a separate sign-up but you can access it & the resources for free


  • videos + recordings of zoom rooms, cell clips, horoscope adjacent things, anything worthy of recording, meditative moments caught in movement


what is your dream symbolism? what spiritual modalities can you use to understand yourself? how to do a release ritual? why do I keep repeating this pattern?

Whatever your spiritual/romanticizing/really anything about life questions are… have them answered.

Leave ‘em here and get your answers in the diaries.

Audio Diary

  • The Audio Diary contains my musings, poems, and me talking out loud like I’m sending my bestie a voice note. (which I am if you’re listening hehe).


  • Mondays @ 630PM EST

    Thursdays @ 8AM EST

  • Nadda for now <3

Messenger Doves

  • A conscious, funny, and spiritual community of people who want to delve into dream symbolism, look at the patterns of their periods, and know what colour you’re feeling today. It’s the perfect kind of weird that lets you venture deeper into self-exploration & find new ways to romance your life.

  • This is the easiest way to get updates on new posts, what’s happening, and connect with The Altar community.