February Symbolism
Usually I dread February because it feels like fake time to slog through. A practice round for a game I already know how to play, psyching me out if it goes poorly and feeling I’ve wasted all my luck if it’s gone well. But I am feeling the strong Aquarian pull this time around and am willing to be with it playfully. What if I got out of bed when I woke up just as a joke? What if I got dressed and got milk just to make a silly little video about it? What if it’s all a game and February is learning the rules?
I don't know how this train of thought yet applies to what will unfold - I haven’t even pulled the cards yet, I am simply just here pontificating with you about the availability of perspectives and which one I may endeavour to play dress-up with in this chapter.
And now, moments later, I’ve pulled the cards (although of course no time has really passed for you I shall narrate it for you anyway, for effect) and I feel deeply that my intuitions and call to play were absolutely correct. Not only is there a call for play and curiosity this month, it comes in this sort of romanticized teenage creation energy of just spending the weekend in your room writing and making things. It’s like falling in love with the idea of yourself that you’ve been role-playing not knowing that is how we actually become. It’s taking time to daydream knowing its direct link to fuelling action. There is creativity here and while it will likely come through outer mediums, all of it is a cultivation and deep expression of the self. It’s less of a month to control and make plans and more of a month to listen and respond. Make listening to yourself your top priority and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by where you end up. No where you could have gotten if you didn’t let the universe direct you a little bit.
333 Rx
In order to align with our whole self, we must also conference with ourselves. Whether there have been many changes or a prolonged steadiness to your circumstances, this is a great time to evaluate the current truths of yourself. This is a reminder that to live in integrity is to live in relationship and with respect to the whole self - mind, body, spirit and whatever else there may be. Perhaps one aspect of truth is leaking into another, perhaps there is a quiet voice telling you of an impactful change to be made. This is a time to get sooooo curious about what is possible for yourself and what you are listening to within yourself - is it up to date? Does it feel good if it’s true? You are the only person who holds the key of power to your truth.
The Circus
The Circus is a place of play, exploration, and also display. It’s where we bring the silliest, freakiest, and wildest parts of ourselves to convene with those who also revel in some kind of self exposure. It is a place of acceptance - the only entry fee is the ability to accept oneself first. The Circus opens its doors to all, and it’s a time to ask yourself what in your life do you want to be seen on stage for? Where can you allow yourself to step into belonging? Where can you be outrageous and fully embodied? There isn’t room in The Circus for shame unless it’s being healed, so let yourself see beyond the hypnosis of patterns and step to the other side of the mirror with yourself.
Cherry is about the pit of potential at the core of all sweet moments - no matter how small our doses may be, if we’re present enough and plant them properly we can use time to leverage growth for ourselves. The Cherry is the reminder that often we get psyched out by the time it takes to do something, when most of that time is passive - just it happening. What potential is there when we know that time is not something to endure but a gift that is given? What would you indulge in knowing most of the reward would come later? What presence would you allow yourself knowing that it is all compounded? There is power and vibrancy in small moments, let it stain your fingers and remember to savour.
999 Rx
This marks a completion point; not only do you have what you need, but what you have is ready to be used. Ready to be moved beyond. There is an energy here of recognizing all the little bits and pieces that alone felt not quite “enough” or “there” but that together make something deep and nourishing. It could be habits, ideas, projects, money - and it’s a time to look at those resources and use them. Maybe it’s time to seriously endeavour making something you’ve been talking about for a while. Maybe it’s time to release something you’ve been holding onto - whatever it is, the essential lesson is not you have what you need but you ARE what you need. You feel and live that in February - no one can de-resource you of your own knowledge and experience.
Intimacy Rx
True intimacy requires safety and trust. It’s not just the curiosity or soft touch that allows us to be truly close to things, it is the lived experience that the most tender parts of us are able to be received and handled. That we trust not only other, but also the self and the information that has been gathered. As you play, as you get more present, as you understand more of what you know and are capable of, it becomes clear that there is more self waiting to be met by you. This intimacy is about acquainting yourself with new figures in yourself. Perhaps stepping into new roles, archetypes, mindsets… hold yourself gently and with loving curiosity here.
Fireworks Rx
This can be a very activating and nervous-system oriented card, and while I do feel there is potential for that always, this feels more illuminating, like a flare over the landscape shedding its light. There will be things activated within you, and it feels like you should follow it. Let what is lit up and activated call you into spaces you need to be within yourself. Recognize the shift in how this activation might have felt before and how it feels now - that it perhaps isn’t anxiety so much as energy. Or that it is trying to lead you to creating new pathways and showing you signals along the way. Here, the fireworks feel illuminating more than anything. Notice what is illuminated for you in thoughts, intuitions, and serendipitous moments.
Wellspring Rx
This February feels full of inner energy. While it might still feel like there is a fog between you and the outside world, the inner world is vibrant. It’s like when you want to be holed up in your room, in a deep creative spiral allowing yourself to make a mess and explore and dive deep and spend time alone. Knowing that you’re safe enough in your life to cocoon a little bit (or a lot) and know it isn’t from a depressive or even protective place. Let yourself have fun with yourself, let yourself be with and be nourished by the wants that are met. The Wellspring wants you to follow that inner flow, wants you to listen and respond to it. Don’t let the “should” thoughts get in the way. This month can offer you great creativity - in whatever ways that comes to you - if you listen instead of force.
I think unsettled gets a bad wrap, because sometimes it is about where the grass has been trodden to crate a new path. It’s realizing something deeply true and ruffles other aspects of what you thought you knew. It puts our hairs on end, but sometimes in the synchronistic everything is lining up kind of way. Look for what feels unsettled in your life - maybe it’s how the furniture is arranged or how you feel around certain people or even particular colours and smells. There are clues all around us trying to show us a path, so even the things that are askew can be just as powerful an omen as the things that are “aligned”. It’s all patterns, and while this one might be a little uncomfortable it’s not acutely dangerous. Let yourself push the edges, let yourself see how far you can take it. Unsettled energy wants to push out the excess energy, so whatever is flowing and cultivating within you needs an exit or escape outside of you.