Taurus Season

Welcome to Taurus season! Ruled by Venus, the sign of The Bull running mid Mid-April til Mid-May.

This particular Taurus season holds us in a juicy wrap as we embrace the Taurus-Scorpio axis of lessons and eclipses. Death and rebuilding. Fortresses and destruction. Here we see how so much undoing is happening within our minds and allowing us to step fully and surely into the future. This is a season where there may be a lot of physical sensations around emotional experiences, so take time to ride the waves.

Collectively we move through The Castle + Thanatos (aka death) with Ideation (red), Confidence (black), Illumination (yellow), and reflection (blue) with circular symbolism and vacillating between singularity + duality. As above, so below. Taurus season reminds us death can be slow, gentle, and peaceful if we allow ourself to find support in the composting.

Our first eclipse happens this Saturday, May 30th with your north node in Taurus.

The second eclipse happens May 15/16 with your south node in Scorpio.

As always, if you ever have any questions or comments or curiosities leave them below! We can use these pages to chat with each other :)



May Mystic Guidance


Full Moon in Libra