Libra + October


Samhain, thinned veils, Libra to Scorpio…


Helllooooo sweeties, hunnies n cuties! Welcome to your tarot (and oracle) outline of the month ahead and what you can anticipate via the cards wisdom, brought to you by my very fast talking and also some singing!

All in all, October is a huge time of transition, a little different for each element and sign. If you know your rising sign, watch that as well as your sun sign! I personally always like a little dabble of my moon as well. Really whatever you feel called to is the message for you.

I'm not going to give too much written diatribe here, but I will say that the water signs cuts off a little unceremoniously but it is what it is and all the really juicy stuff is relayed to y'all!

AS always, if you have big feelings or thoughts or questions pertaining to this, you know where to find me! You can always leave them in the comments or reach me elsewhere if it feels more private.





P.S. the decks I used were

  • Coleman-Smith (also known as Rider-Waite)

  • Archetypes by Kim Krans

  • Swatches of Chakra

  • Mercury, Salt, Sulphur Oracle Cards

Okay love u big time, thanks for being here :)


Scorpio Season