The Secret Third Space E-Book


It's nearly spring and you can feel that tingling deep within you. You've been waking up a little earlier, dreams more vivid, senses awakening and warming... There is a push and pull to this time that requires the patience of many cycles of living. Sometimes we ride the waves effortlessly, and other times our understanding overrides instinct. This is a case of the latter. A toe dip into the still chilly pond that is awakening, an ode to spring and it's many counterparts.


A book of poetry and prose that explores the space between dichotomies, oppositions, and what it is that we propel ourselves towards in the journey of becoming.

The third book in a trilogy of poetry by author and tarot reader Forest Eden Greenwell, 2021

I) The Selective Memory of the Subconscious

II) Under The Callous

III) The Secret Third Space

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