September Symbolism
Symbolism Overview
As we start September under the guise of a full moon in Pisces, the sun in Virgo and a Mercury Retrograde in Virgo there is a “coming back to earth” vibe that surpasses that of the regular Virgo energy. It is something asking us what we are bringing to earth. What ideas, dreams, and hopes need the weight of reality to find their footing? There is a returning and rebirthing energy here. What is asking you to give way to its beauty? What is asking you to turn your aestheticism of life away from the literal, physical aspect and into the aestheticism of values in action. There is a potency here that allows us to connect more deeply with the things that matter - to alchemize anything that was holding us back or no longer working into something that can illuminate and regenerate. Here it is less about how things look on the surface and more about how our actions will look in the overarching stories of our lives.
What has been haunting you? What has come to return? This feels very classic Mercury Retrograde in a way, but I feel the core of this energy is a little less “get back together with your ex” and a little more… opportunity to resolve or rewire something that didn’t work before. Maybe the ghost is a failed attempt. Maybe the ghost is something released too soon. Maybe the ghost is something that didn’t quite make it into fruition. Whatever it is, all energy can reform and return. Take whatever lingers, let yourself feel whatever needs to come through, and then let yourself be different. Let not just the attempt or the thing to change, but yourself to change with it. Know that this is a time to realize that whoever you were when it didn’t pan out is simply not who you are now. You must give yourself this grace and not overlay old stories or patterns onto new opportunities.
Intimacy is a trust, it’s a vulnerability, it is a witnessing. Here the intimacy is asking you to hold something tenderly. To really look it in the eyes. Maybe it is yourself, a lover, a friend, or even an idea of who you are. What honesty is required here to really see what is in front of you or within you? What contrasting ideas or notions? Seeing the truth is sometimes about allowing ourselves to see the intention and the impact. It is allowing ourselves to see the outline and the finished piece. The desire and what is necessary on the path to fulfillment. Intimacy asks us to put away what we want something to be - what we feel it must be or we assume we can handle and opens us to the beauty of what is. You do not need to protect yourself here. You do not need to assume the worst, you do not need to come bearing your armour.
I was reading something that was essentially saying that “aesthetic beauty” is when we make something beautiful through our own belief and values aligned with a thing. For example, while a thing might be literally pretty if it was made out of cheap materials, for the person that values quality its beauty would be remiss. The aestheticism of this thing is about more than just what it looks like, but is also about the values it holds. Another way to look at it is perhaps a thing is beautiful, and made well, but for that person serves no purpose - and if they value having purposeful and intentional things it might be beautiful but again the aestheticism of it on a personal level doesn’t line up. The Chalice speaks of this age old idea of “the grail” if you will, essentially how do we find the things that will truly full us up. This is a time to look at our values not in how they simply appear in the world and not look at our lives, our choices, our belongings from a physical gaze but from a spiritual gaze. Remove things from your life that don’t serve true purpose and that aren’t truly aligned with your values. Beauty is empty without what we believe in to fill it.
Full Moon
Full Moons are not just a culmination point, but a filling point. A tipping over point. There is some cycle that is coming to completion this month - the next step, chapter, whatever it is is illuminated here. There may be a heightened sense of intensity around this as the full moon of September is under the sign of Aries. It may feel like things come quickly, or with urgency. This lines up with the north node in Aries and the lesson here is simply that urgency is often an empty demand - which is to say the immediacy in which we feel a thing doesn’t actually say anything about the depth or importance of the need. Maybe you will feel like you need to quit your job or act on something right away. The Full Moon recognizes that often when these things arise, it actually isn’t new. There is something here that has been percolating for a while. Look back and find the evidence that leaves a trail through time - maybe it will allow you to see the “urgent” thing is actually something that is coming to a head quickly but has been around for a while. While it may not be an emergency and it may not require you to act quickly per say, it is beneficial to look at what exactly you’ve been pushing back or making seem small that now can no longer be ignored.
Green Rx
This green turned inwards is a reminder that the heart wants what it wants for a reason. Take time to get clear on your desires, on your directions, and on what you do feel connected to vs what you want to feel connected to. There may be jealousy or envy coming forward this month and it’s important to ask yourself if the things you are yearning for are truly out of reach? This is a colour of growth and abundance, so like so much of the symbolism so far this is asking you to replant yourself… even if it’s just within yourself. Let your desires be bigger. Let who you are and how you want to be who you are in the world expand. Find ways to nourish yourself in true and meaningful ways, especially if it feels challenging.
Disco Ball
Refracting light and many mirrors is what makes the disco ball so fun. When the light of that full moon hits upon true self reflection, you will see this spread out into your life. Maybe you are willing to do things that felt barred before. Maybe you are inspiring people around you, maybe there are opportunities you couldn’t reach until you allowed the mirrors in to get to the angles you couldn’t reach in your previous perspective. This should feel fun, it should feel inviting. Just because there is a lot asking you to step up and evolve and write a part of your story + character development that has more depth and possibility in it doesn’t mean it all needs to be so serious. Maybe part of it is trusting yourself to let loose. Maybe part of it is realizing where you are projecting onto others instead of sitting with yourself. You don’t need permission from anything or anyone to dance or find pleasure when the mood strikes you. Stop waiting for the right song, opportunity, dance partner and let yourself shine your own light.
This month you’re breaking free from conditioning that isn’t actually helping you. Maybe you want to jump higher at work, maybe you want to move faster through a relationship. Whatever rules you’ve been bound by within yourself the horse is the reminder that you are free and your intuition about how you move through the world and at what pace is deeply important. You don’t have to be well trained or well behaved in order to be safe. You can be a bit wild - it doesn’t mean you’re going to run off a cliff. The Horse wants you to trust your own instincts. They are there for a reason, stalling them or holding back out of fear of pain or punishment is actually keeping you from being aligned with your personal power.
Fish bring luck and remind us that often we don’t need to be putting in so much effort. What happens when you relax your muscles, your tension, your desires and just trust that you are suspended in the water. What happens if you stop trying to find a way to climb a tree? Again, we look at what you really want… the core value of it not the story of it. How can you act in a way that allows you to be supported, release tension, and realize that you truly do have everything you need to float along. The current is on your side so if opportunities that line up with things you’ve been saying you want come in, just know the flow is in your direction. There is no extra energy needed - in fact not jumping in the water and saying YES will cause you more pain and confusion. Let what you feel and what you want and what shows up to carry you towards those things do the heavy lifting. This is not a time to move upstream.
There is clarity this month. Things will be so obvious and clear that it might even be painful. Remember that in order to see something - including your own light - you don’t have to look DIRECTLY at it to see and understand its power and strength. A clean slate is becoming available. This is NOT ASKING YOU TO BE PERFECT. The slate invites you to keep your shoes on. It yearns for you to add your own colour and distinction to it. This is a time to trust that you don’t need to be, feel, or act perfect in order to take on whatever the next thing in front of you is.
Mushroom Rx
A common thread in these passing months! Mushroom reminds you of everything you are connected to, and that through you there is a divine intelligence. Sometimes we have the inclination to do, say, be, or act upon things that come through us but perhaps don’t feel of us. We are all lessons to each other. We are all here to be guiding forces and light not just to ourselves but to everything we are connected too. If you have a hard time seeing what the point is for you, maybe you’re the point for another. Something about what comes this month is still building its fruit. It isn’t coming to a head just yet and that’s okay, we’re in a lot of beginning phases here. You don’t have to see or know what it will be to feel that you are connected and being called.
Earth - Knight of Pentacles Rx
Focus on yourself this month. You don’t need to give everything away, you don’t need to start something new to start something in a new way. Sometimes tending to the garden means planting new seeds, and sometimes it means just nourishing what already is. There is a lot of energy you have within you - don’t be afraid to use it. Don’t make up a story about it that doesn’t make you feel good… It’s actually not anxiety. It’s actually not quite the need to change your whole life. It’s the desire to use your energy towards something that allows you to see or utilize it in a way that deeply benefits you long term. Whatever you start to engage with this month trust that it will be with you for a while. Be patient and diligent with these first days with the seed. Trust the process.
Air - Queen of Wands
You’re allowed to believe what you want, and what you want is allowed to feel good for you. Here there is a chance to look at the power of your mind and your wants. Instead of believing something is a pipe dream what if you believed this desire chose you because you were capable of bringing it to life? What strength do you need to call upon to allow yourself to let go of the way of thinking that hinders you from actions you’ve been yearning to take. It could be simple, it could be big. If you aren’t sure, look around you. What are the people in your life doing, saying, interacting with? Are there any patterns? Maybe if you suddenly find yourself surrounded by tattoo artists, there is a sign that perhaps you want that too…. that there is someone willing to teach you. Maybe if you’re surrounded by cooks there is a recipe you want to try or a dinner party you’ve been dreaming of hosting. Whether simple or extravagant, step into the energy that’s been pooling in your body to resource you towards the thing.
Water - King of Swords Rx
There is a changing of states here. Maybe moving from feeling to thinking, or creating to revising. Whatever the shift is, it requires you to completely let go of whatever your last steps and part of the pattern were. It may feel like there is a little bit too much unknown, but I promise you it is just the right amount. Look at the boundaries that are too tight and cutting into the skin of your dreams. Look at where you are spilling over or finding yourself inflamed. These indicate areas where change is just waiting for you to say “yes, lets move on”. It will require a difference in gears or mindset, but you truly have everything you need around and within you. Put down the saw and pick up the sand-paper… move onto the next stage.
Fire - Ace of Wands
You may find yourself at the beginning of something this month. It could be an idea, a relationship, a class, a lesson… And the whole path is already laid out beside you, waiting for you to feel safe to jump into the current. Your fire won’t go out if you let yourself be carried. In fact letting whatever this thing is be wild, letting yourself let go of analyzing every move it makes or keeping it burning strong will actually allow it to do that. In other words, don’t watch the pot boil. Whatever it is, just trust it knows what it is doing and that you can too. Trust that the next things will take shape much faster and intuitively if you let them be instead of trying to make them what they are “supposed” to be. You’ll be surprised at where you end up when you let go of “rules” that are actually a belt that’s too tight. Some things, when too efficient, actually lose their power.