October Symbolism
When I first opened this document I titled it “September Symbolism” - some part of me is not yet ready for all the lessons September showed me I must learn, something in me is willing myself back to the start. Alas, it never works that way and honestly the cards this month feel like a person attack on me. But if I’ve learned anything it’s that we really are such a collective experiencing so much together. So I hope that some of Octobers Symbolism overlays your own life like a salve lays on a wound (or whatever needs salving, maybe you’re not swept away in the autumnal grief that has laid itself in the timeline as I am right now).
The gist of this month is resiliency, foundation, and choosing wisely. It is asking for the things you believe in to carry you as needed, as necessary. It is asking you to grieve and be haunted, to let the hurt in so you can find where to heal. It’s a part of the path that needs to be embraced, everything you fear or avoid in not allowing whatever needs to shift/release/die do so is something you just put off for the future with the momentum that has built from it.
The Symbolism
I often think of or refer to the wellspring as a watering hole of sorts where I can fill up my cup, where I know I can return to or landmark in my life in some way to come back so I don’t have to carry so much with me. Right now though, A Wellspring comes to me as a very sacred place, a place that is hidden from most. A place that is mythical, that has standards and rules that don’t always apply to the everyday bruisings of life. The Wellspring as the place where you bring your most beloved on their death bed, The Wellspring as the place where you dip your achilles heel or chiron scar into it when you have endured too much pain at its expense. It is where you come when you are your most vulnerable, when you have awakened to something you were blinded from and need to wash the spell of sleep from your system. The Wellspring draws you back to your most sacred practices. It asks you to sacrifice what ails you so it may heal you. It asks you to purify and become devoted in the ways that most matter. It asks you to be clear and decisive and decide what is really worth saving and sacrificing.
Horse Rx
There is something within you that needs space to roam. To run, to move, to be unburdened. It feels physical and tangible and outside of however you’ve trained yourself to interact with it. Maybe it’s art, maybe it’s sex, maybe it’s running or getting dressed or cooking or meeting people. You don’t need to tame yourself, and viewing stories where your desires aren’t supported by your narrative will be helpful here. Look for “I want to…” or “I wish I could…” thoughts and see what comes up to block them. Do you agree with this? Do you want this to be making decisions for you?
Bull Rx
This is asking you to be bold and gentle with yourself. Firm but graceful. I always think of that quote “bull in a China shop” but also always think of the bull trying really hard to not knock anything over. It feels really sweet and sincere and also kind of heart breaking when you see yourself trying and inevitably still knocking some things to the ground. This is to stay, being devoted to yourself or having discipline doesn’t mean you are expecting perfection and berating yourself as failing if you don’t achieve that (don’t knock anything over; don’t lose sleep, miss a meal, forget a care task, skip a class, balance it all effortlessly, do it all gracefully) see if you can view your earnest efforts with compassion and see what progress staying the course makes. There will be times things feel harder and it’s okay. There will be times things don’t click and that’s okay. There will be moments when everything topples into itself and it really won’t be the biggest, messiest, worst thing. Keep showing up.
Ghost Rx
This is so October, and so equinox and so generally of this time. This is a time of grieving. This is a time of the lungs. This is a time of the hauntings of ourselves and noticing that we’re ready to let go of some ghosts of us - some already gone. But also being possessed by a past version of you isn’t always bad either. You know those “I use to…” thoughts - well you still can. You can still paint or dance or do stand up or play that instrument. Maybe the energy or intention around is has changed but you are allowed to be haunted by past parts of you that were strong and well or embodied something you aren’t sure you have muscle memory of… You do, trust me.
Disco Ball
Refract the light this month. Allow yourself all of your multifaceted-ness and see where it takes you. What connections and joy are to be found when you shed energetic light on all aspects of yourself. You don’t have to commit to being all things at all times. You don’t have to take everything to a grandiose level for it to be a part of you. In fact you might find some good moderation and supportive perspectives when you allow yourself to dip into things with a little more fluency and intuition. This is a time to try new things, try old things in new ways or with new mindsets, and allow what others find joy and illumination in to refract into parts of you. Take up opportunities to try things. This is expansive energy.
Good Orderly Direction
All good things, in good time. This is your reminder that the universe is guiding you. When the plan doesn’t work out, let it. When something comes up last minute, take the leap. When you keep getting rerouted, get curious; and when the car pulls in front of you with no signal in traffic see if there’s an angel sign on the license plate acting as a reminder. The universe is talking to us. When you’re tired or unsure ask it to live through you. Trust that when you let go things happen for you not to you. If it’s good let it be good and if it’s bad get through whatever the bad is because I promise on the other side is a golden moment to hold you and assure you that everything is as it should be.
Also known as weeping willow. I am reminded here, right now, that different kinds of tears contain different hormones and chemicals; that our crying acts as a sort of detox when we get too much in our system. We need to allow ourselves the cleansing of crying in whatever form and for whatever reason it comes this month. Be it old grief, new fear, deep joy… let the weeping; the water and the sounds and the body pull up through you. Another thing that I am reminded of is that branch structures mimic root structures. The weeping willow is long and sweeping and touches the earth so deeply - which is to say that this is a month to be deeply touched. It is a blessing to be so deep into things, to be so intimate with life. And it is also a responsibility. You may find yourself sensitive, you may find your senses reaching into a new or expanded capacity. Give space to this and allow yourself the resources you need in it as well.
As we invite in the darker months and shorter days, black here is a reminder that it is a necessary and beautiful part of the balancing of our whole cycle. Let things be unknown, let your eyes adjust to the dark, let life and your findings be many layered. Let there be a surrender - big theme this month. Surrendering allows in what we don’t know to invite in. The black, the shadows, the dark, offers itself as a reprieve and also to see that which is luminescent in you in its power. You’ll find a lot of power and energy within yourself that is latent or been overlooked and is ready to be resourced from.
This feels like it ties in with Willow a lot, but to take it a step further what I find interesting about the roots and that I never cease to talk about is that when there are objects or challenges in the ways of the roots they grow around them and use them to stabilize. When something comes your way that isn’t what you want, expect, or were hoping for this month see if you can find a way to grow around it. See if there is a way you can embrace it, love it, accept it instead of reject it. If the roots were to remove something from their path they would have to crush it or uproot themselves to bring it to the surface. Ask yourself - what really is the cost of integration? of forgiveness? of acceptance?
The substance the universe is made of, that which holds the history of our energetic imprints. This feels so powerful to me for many reasons - one of them being that the veil thins so much in October and it is much easier to touch into the things that are otherworldly. Whether they be messages, spirits, memories, gifts, knowledge, dreams… Akasha not only reminds you that you have purpose (and always have), that you have history… but also that you have support. This is a deeply healing and aligning energy. You don’t need to do anything extravagant to make space for yourself and whatever guides you. Maybe you have a bath and breathe. Maybe you listen to a meditation while thrifting. Maybe you cleanse your room with an incense. Small acts can bring big clairvoyance. This feels like there is a message, intention, idea…. something waiting for you. Something that is eager but patient to arrive to you.
The Elements
Okay I really did not feel called to pull cards for the elements here. So I’m not going to. I will take my own advice and allow the change and if it wants to return or reshape itself it may!
With that, I bid you farewell. Happy October, happy darkening, happy quietening. I love you!