July Symbolism Report

Welcome to your “first of the month” except it’s the 6th of the month and I am moving from a recorded format to a written format because it just works better for my brain and capacity right now. Will it stay this way? Who knows! But I’m leaning in and listening to the changes and tweaks that need to be made to continue making this accessible to me while still providing for you.


This month is really giving “create your reality ACTUALLY through action”. It’s giving yes you’re scared but also you’re brave. There is power in listening to your gut, in leaning in. There is energy in facing things head on. There is possibility when you stop avoiding and start to get the facts straight so you can truly and adequately support yourself.

July is asking questions like:

  • what is challenging about embodying what you know/believe/want?

  • are there lingering inhibitors (thoughts, habits, non-actions) that are preventing you from tapping in?

  • what needs to change?

  • what are you willing to change?

  • what do you need support in changing?

  • what freedom will you be granted in allowing yourself to go for it vs thinking of going for it?

  • is there something you’re feeling/tuning into that’s asking for your attention/energy/action?

  • what is really scaring you about what you know you need to do/be/accept/embrace?

  • how are you using your inner resources?

  • what boundaries do you need to set AND release within yourself?

  • what structures are no longer supporting your growth - just your stasis?

July isn’t here to fuck around. There will be sweet moments, but it feels really like a time to level up in some way. It feels like the month to get serious about the things you’ve been saying. It feels like the time to admit something - and therefor be freed from it. Whatever it is that you’re keeping under lock and key within yourself is actually taking energy from you to keep it there. A little exposure will alleviate some of the dark feelings that are nestling in your chest.

The Cowgirls Oracle Symbolism


Orange is the colour of creation, and while I inherently see this as a positive thing it’s also important to acknowledge that we can use this energy to create problems, scenarios, stories, and a whole plethora of things to block ourselves. When we don’t use this energy in a timely or personally supportive manner it can curdle. It can become something we don’t want to touch on in ourselves. It can create heat and friction and becomes something we don’t want to look at - something that starts to grow of it’s own volition. But we still always have choice, our ultimate creative tool. Here we’re graced with the bit of bravery we need to look at how we’re using this, how to follow it, how to let it invigorate us instead of take over. Quality over quantity is what this is giving right now - you don’t need to do, be, make, and offer everything. Just because you have an idea doesn’t mean that it has to come into the world right now. It doesn’t mean you have to rush it. It doesn’t mean it has to come out in the first iteration of it that appears to you. Something here wants you to see the vibrancy and potency of what’s available to you - and to also acknowledge what is in the way of accessing that.

Raven Rx

I call the raven the shadow eater. It comes to us and picks away at the pieces of us that we’d rather not shed light on, that we desperately try to not be seen in or shed onto another. The raven helps expose us, lighten our load, pull away the curtains. It can be raw, vulnerable, and make us want to curl up and hide. But there is a moment with this card where we realize that it actually feels good and supportive to be seen. The stories we were telling ourselves don’t translate the same way. And because this card is turned inwards, it’s really us seeing ourselves. Where we maybe were once feeling ashamed or angry or felt like a victim to something within ourselves we can unburden ourselves of this - whether consciously or not - and let some light shine on the truth.

Shame Rx

Wooooof! Let’s go again with the shame! I feel like Shame and Cancer have such a strong relationship. The want and willingness to protect ourselves at all costs, the ways we isolate ourselves from external pain and perception and judgement - because we have created pain and perceptions and judgements within ourselves that we are certain others will see and reflect back on us. I think the core of shame comes back to fear. Fear we won’t be loved, that we aren’t good, that we aren’t capable. Shame of thinking it’s possible that we can try, or when we need support, or coming to a realization that’s different from an inflated story we were telling ourselves. Shame and Fear as roots, to me, come back to comparison. I don’t think shame is a natural state but rather one that comes to us. So if shame isn’t our natural state, then what is? Trying? Creating? Failing? It’s more of a cycle I think than a stasis way of being. For me, shame comes in when something happens in another one of the cycles that inhibits my ability to keep moving forward. I’m scared of fucking up, I’m scared of not being worthy, I’m scared of hurting people or myself through my mistakes, I’m scared of being/being perceived as someone not safe - which is to say sometimes it feels like who we want to be or what we want to do isn’t safe. So we hide it. And deny it. And starve it. And when it becomes a feral beast that now needs to be fed, that will do anything to get what it needs we actually have created a self-fulfilling prophecy. So shame here asks us, what am I making true for myself? Am I don’t this because I don’t want to be a fool for not knowing or seeing it? And finally, where was this shame born? How old is it? What does it require of me?

Horse Rx

The horse indicates a need for a certain freedom. The freedom to execute our own power. To unleash ourselves within ourselves. A horse doesn’t question it’s power or speed or grace. It may not also understand it’s full capacity as we see it because it is just being. It doesn’t need to understand it to embody it - which is maybe some of the challenge for us as humans. Our need to understand things, and our notion that understanding gives us power can sometimes take away from the truth that simply accepting and embracing and learning can be more powerful. How can we understand something that we don’t yet know? How can we come to know it if we expect ourselves to understand it? The energy here says stop trying to plot it all out. Stop trying to make a master plan for like a week and just see what happens when you get curious and start listening and don’t make that listening about gaining knowledge but simply about bearing witness. Our life and our being isn’t a performance. It isn’t a competition. It is a constant need to free ourselves of whatever shackles we feel bound by each day - specifically here the shackle of the pursuit of perfection of our power. Our power doesn’t need perfecting. Our power just needs space to extend itself, it needs a field to run around in, it needs to stretch its legs and have some fucking fun.


Often I feel like intuition is touted as this super easy, nifty, accessible tool we all have and it should feel AMAZING! and EMPOWERING! But you know what? Intuition can be a fickle bitch. It can be a real pain in the ass and sometimes lead us towards things we don’t understand or see the value in or that feels contrary to what we’ve chosen for ourselves. Intuition can feel really fucking intense. It can feel threatening at times because intuition lives in the cross section of our body and time. Intuition tells us when to act and speak, but not necessarily what to say or do. For that, we need trust. Intuition requires our trust - often without having earned it. I think the trickiest thing about intuition is isn’t doesn’t make sense even when it feels sense - I say this all the time. What our logical brain feels like it requires is often overlooked in what our intuition is asking of us. As its our brains job to keep us safe, often doing this through engaging with patterns, when we don’t have a pattern to follow we can often deem what intuition is asking of us as unsafe. It’s reasonable to feel this way, it’s reasonable to want more information or to feel like we need a sign (or many) to proceed. So what I offer up to you is that sometimes intuition itself is a sign. Learn where and how it appears in your body and life (human design is amazing for this and I found it really impactful for understanding that intuition is different for everyone and how to build a relationship with my own) and let yourself find small steps towards whatever it is you’re intuiting to build a relationship with it.

Angel Number 555

Cue up Changes - Charlotte Day Wilson. If it wasn’t evident already, July is going to ask us to level up. It’s going to ask us to shut up and act. It’s going to ask us to get clear on what is truly required to do the thing or have the life or feel the way. Whatever it is you’re looking at going “anything but that”… why? What is scary or overwhelming or debilitating about it? What if that thing truly was the mother-fucking-key to the portal? What if you just closed your eyes and went for it? I know there is a thing you’re ruminating on, trying to perfect, waiting for that feeling to come over you. But it just won’t sometimes. Maybe the conditions have been ideal for a while which is why you aren’t feeling some intense and magical pull. Maybe you just need to choose with your actions and not your mind. This energy here is where the core of the fear we’re experiencing is coming from, so to move through it we need to name it and be honest about what’s the worst that could happen. Usually it’s what is already happening which is NOTHING! I do this big scary thing and nothing happens. I do this big scary thing and I’m in the same place. Except that you know, and you’ve tried. But realistically what will happen is you will do it, it will not be the worst, and you might feel a little silly for a bit. But then you will feel so fucking relieved because wow - it really wasn’t that bad and no-one died and the world didn’t end and you can move forward now.


Listen I’m not going to come on here and preach embodiment to y’all like I’m the master of it. I think really what we’re sold about embodiment is that it always feels sooo good and amazing and like scratching an itch so whenever we do something that IS an embodiment of what we need or feel or desire and it doesn’t feel that way, we think we’re doing it wrong. So let’s take a moment and sit down to look at what embodiment really means “a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling.” “the representation or expression of something in a tangible or visible form.” - These are straight from dictionary.com okay. So basically it isn’t about that thing being positive or enjoyable it’s about making it real. And to make something real we need it to be accessible - not fantastical. If you know you want to embody breathwork, maybe it’s removing the illusion of that always feeling amazing or being a 60 minute practice every single day. Maybe it’s not doing it because it feels good and easy. Maybe you do it for 5 minutes every other day. Embodiment isn’t the same thing as consistency. It isn’t the same thing as forever. Embodiment is like an outfit that we can take on and off - we really can choose through our actions to embody whatever we want. But we have to get over the story of how we are supposed to feel in order to act on embodiment. You’re still embodying it if you’re grumpy, if you really don’t want to. You’re embodying your yoga practice even if you lay on your mat for 15 minutes after 2 sun salutations. You’re still embodying cooking for yourself if you’re making KD. You’re still embodying showing up even if it’s in PJ’s and camera off to the zoom room meeting. This month calls for us to change the narrative around what embodiment looks like in practice vs what it feels like in fantasy.

Angel Number 222

And amongst all this, there is support. Yes there is tension, duality, a full spectrum to speculate and the secret third space within that as well. But really, you are supported. You can be balanced - not as a stagnant place to stand still but as a deeply embodied truth through movement, minute adjustments, and listening. You might have to expose some of yourself to get the support you need. You might feel pulled apart, but like what if those things that seem to be pulling away actually meet each other on another side? Create another spectrum? Are actually a portal to walk through? A bridge? At the core, this month IS a bridge. It is pulling you away from the compost heap and into the garden. It’s saying it’s time to stop looking at what has gone, left, died, didn’t work and time to use some of that energy to transform, nourish, and support something else.


This month is going to require a lot of emotional work to support the literal-doing-stuff work. You’ve thought about it enough. You’ve let it stew and swirl and steep for a good long time and it’s potent now. You have the energy you need. You have the resources you need. You are what you need. And you might not know it or feel it until you engage with it so STOP WAITING FOR IT TO FEEL RIGHT OR LOOK RIGHT OR WHATEVER RIGHT. It’s good enough. Right now is enough. What can you do today, tomorrow, this week, and this month that is more than just creating the perfection conditions and PROGRESS through your actions?

The Elements via Tarot

I just want to say here that we all have everything in our charts, so you can read all of these and line them up with what’s potent for you right now, what elements may be showing up in different aspects (houses) of your life. Take what you need, weave it together in a way that aligns for you. There is no right or wrong way to engage with this section.

Water - Wheel of Fortune Rx

Water, while the physics of your flow aren’t changing any time soon the patterns and rivulets you find yourself in just might be. The Wheel of Fortune indicates changing patterns - and often seeing the change through engaging with similar situations in a new way. The thing about being human is that literally everything is a fucking pattern - we cannot escape that. It is a fundamental part of our reality and an important one at that. But patterns don’t mean things always feel the same - often a pattern indicates growth. My favourite of all time is the fibonacci sequence because we can see how in order to grow we need to engage with the building blocks of what has come before. This can make us feel crazy but growth doesn’t come from things always being different, it comes from evolution which is also asking “what can stay the same? what doesn’t need to evolve or change in order to support the conditions of what does need to change?”. Because this is turned inwards you might be seeing similar patterns showing up in yourself - things you thought you had moved on from or that were long gone. And it’s okay, you don’t need to be hard on yourself here because it’s not a you thing - it’s a life thing. PATTERNS ARE A LIFE THING. So look at what HAS changed. Your attitude? How you make space for it? What you do or don’t allow yourself? Hold onto those pieces. There is soooo much knowledge being imbued upon you this month and at times it will feel daunting but when it clicks you’ll feel sooooo proud of yourself.

Fire - 10 of Swords Rx

Oh Fire, it’s that time to really let it all go to ashes. I know it seems so dramatic and it feels dramatic and it kind of is but it’s also internal. Not a whole lot about your external life has to shift in order for your inner life to be renewed. The deeper we go, the more layers we find. The longer we live, the more things we pick up. We’ll never really be “done” with the letting go process but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take the time to sit with it and grieve it and celebrate it when it’s time to. There is a sun rising energy here - where what felt far away or dark or shadowy or completely unsure is showing itself now to be just a part of the cycle. Take time to really look at what you’re letting go of, what version of yourself you’re no longer committed to being - even if it wasn’t conscious. There is grieving here, there is rejoicing here. But mostly there is alleviation. Things that have felt heavy and challenging and exhausting and simply unattainable are proving to not be as big of towers as they once presented themselves to be. Recalibrate! Step outside of yourself - this especially is helpful this month. If it feels hard to do what you need to do as you, then do it as someone else. Play a role, put on a mask, take up a different version or embodiment that allows you the freedom and energy you need.

Earth - The Emperor

Building isn’t the same as achieving. So much of creating something is listening rather than telling. The Emperor sits here quietly observing the land, the flow of the water, the quality of the resources. It’s mapping out not just what it wants but how to actually work with the landscape - how to make things accessible for longevity. There is more to creation than wielding power. There is more to creation than perfectionism. There is more to creation than speed. There is more to creation than what the ego wants. This is a time to look at the landscape of your life and make adjustments to your plan based off what you actually need right now - long term doesn’t exist if we forgo the short term. Needs include pleasure and play. Needs include joy. Needs include connection. You don’t have to isolate yourself to get things done. You can still maintain boundaries and get things done while leaving wiggle room. And you don’t always need to ask for permission for what you want to do - you don’t need approval or for everyone else to be on board. What you need is for you to be on board. It’s not a mountain climb, it’s not a marathon, it’s a meandering right now. You aren’t loosing track by recognizing and accessing your need to BE with what you want in your life not just create/sustain/maintain it.

Air - 3 of Swords

There are some sticky heart bits this month, and that’s okay because Cancer is the seasonal queen of crying and releasing and learning how to actually protect ourselves and not just constrict ourselves. I think so often we think making ourselves smaller and hiding will lower our chances of being hurt meanwhile we are spiritually and emotionally cramped up and doing to ourselves what we’re actively avoiding. The key to the three of swords is the “what is this actually?” so for example we might say “I’m angry” but when we get to the core of it, the truth of it, we’re actually scared. So this month is about finding the root and the truth so that we can truly allow healing to happen. No more masking symptoms, no more mindless alleviating and coping and making choices that don’t feel quite right but take away from the deeper feeling of what’s wrong. And wrong can be neutral! It doesn’t have to be a bad thing for it to not be an aligned thing. Alignment is different for all of us - but we can’t act in a truly aligned way if out actions are stemming from avoidance. You’ve been walking on some kind of eggshells and it’s taking you out of your stride so what happens if we clean up the fucking shells instead of pretending it’s totally okay to keep living with them?


Great Pleasures of This Life


Grocery List N° 1