How To Make Love

I don’t mean in terms of sex, although that is a part of making love. I mean love as in something we cultivate, love as in something we grow and nurture, love as in something that belongs in our hands and hearts and hearths. Making love is simple and intricate and delicate and fortifying. It is a game, a map, a listening, a curiosity, an experiment, a continuous lesson.

How To Make Love (A Non-Exhaustive List in No Particular Order)

  1. share your secrets and keep their secrets

  2. know that trust is more of an earned thing than a felt thing, and track evidence of it

  3. cultivate an inner library of inside jokes

  4. laugh together in general

  5. find the things you are both (all) angry about

  6. ask if they need a glass of water

  7. pick a flower and give it to them

  8. pick a flower and give it to a child, sharing in the joy of awe and delight that comes from this

  9. get ice cream and try each others flavours

  10. try the flavours of all the things together, actually - drinks, dinners, desserts, delicacies

  11. write poems and tell them you wrote a poem and share the poem you wrote

  12. if you can, speak the poem out loud instead of just handing it over

  13. send memes and photos and videos and tiktoks saying “this is u” or “this is us”

  14. every once in a while pretend you do not know them at all and ask questions you think you know the answer to

  15. listen to their stories, especially their favourite ones which they will tell you of several times. never tell them they’ve already told you

  16. tell your favourite stories even if you know you’ve told it

  17. name a plant after them

  18. make a friendship bracelet in their colours, or in your colours

  19. tell them you like their outfit even if you like every single outfit

  20. tell them you like their haircut even if its a bad hair cut

  21. make a playlist to send to them; share it with them to add to it; listen to it when you’re together

  22. stop in the middle of a place when there is music and dance - the kitchen, the street, the metro, the bar

  23. if you are using a cosmetic ask if they want some, even if they always say no

  24. make a meal with them, for them. go shopping for it together. scour the cupboards together. experiment and laugh at what goes wrong

  25. cut off a piece of your plant and propagate it and give it to them in a little glass jar

  26. ask if they want ice in their water

  27. if you get caught in the rain take a moment to not run away but really be in it

  28. hold hands, link arms, touch feet and knees and toes and noses

  29. really look them in the eyes, every time you see them as often as you can

  30. repeat the truth as many times as you feel it “you are exquisite” “you are brilliant” “you are tender” “you are inspiring” “you are caring” “I feel loved by you”

  31. allow yourself to be totally overwhelmed by moments of fear

  32. allow yourself to be totally overwhelmed by moments of gratitude

  33. go on an adventure; by car or bike or foot or plane

  34. share your dreams even when they make no sense

  35. share your dreams even when they feel far away

  36. when you realize they are your best friend take them out somewhere special and look them in the eyes an tell them “you are my best friend, I love you and trust you”

  37. allow them to see your road rage

  38. allow them to see your rage in general

  39. when they ask if you need anything, genuinely tell them what you need

  40. when they ask if you want anything, genuinely tell them what you want

  41. share your favourite movies and TV shows and music with them - even if they don’t like it, they will know you

  42. pay attention when they show you their favourite things, even if you don’t like it you will know them

  43. learn how they make the bed

  44. learn how they like their pillows arranged

  45. learn their favourite dip for fries and when you order together make sure it comes with it

  46. double, triple, quadruple and infinitely text them. the limit does no exist. there are no rules.

  47. ask them how they are feeling and when they say “good” say “good isn’t a feeling” and then be with them while they find the real answer

  48. help them move

  49. help them organize

  50. help them make a mess when that is necessary too

  51. braid or cut or dye their hair with them

  52. try on every pair of sunglasses at the kiosk together

  53. go thrifting and ask them what they are looking for, pull things that remind you of them

  54. carry their tote bag for a while

  55. learn your love language and tell them

  56. learn their love language and show them

  57. make some very ugly art together

  58. find their pinterest and look at the evolution of who they have become, what they like, what they’ve grown out of

  59. listen to the ways they have been loved before, the things other people have known about them and that they’ve learned through it

  60. be grateful for every person that loves them, too

  61. take secret pictures of their butt

  62. take secret pictures of them in general

  63. make a list in your phone of their favourites - beers, bars, games, treats, books, artists

  64. when they are doing that thing they do when they are nervous or stressed or overwhelmed just gently put a hand on them

  65. give really long, heart to heart hugs

  66. breathe together

  67. know their dominoes pizza order and when they get home late or you’re coming home from the bar secretly order it

  68. listen to the way their voice changes when they talk to different people, in different settings, in different roles, in different languages - start to know who they are by how they talk

  69. bake them a cake for their birthday even if you are not very good at baking

  70. go to the park for a picnic and fall asleep next to each other

  71. allow yourself the pleasure and pandemonium of staying out all night together

  72. say “I’m proud of you” and mean it

  73. have the courage to be honest with them even when it is scary

  74. put a picture of them in their phone contact

  75. share whatever premium account you have with them - netflix, spotify, crave

  76. tell them your email from when you were a kid and laugh at how much it is still them


Fake Conversations N° 3


I Must Let Myself Be Oceanic