The Altar

of a cowgirl

Office Hours


Office Hours ✨ SUNDAYS @ 10AM EST ✨

  • ideas, poems, fleshed out notions of existence, think pieces and feel pieces, some humour and some pain. find the rich archive of written ideas found here.


  • photo series & scanned texts & collages & all the weird visual bits that make up the world I see. call it a photo dump, a visual archive, an album or a vision board.


  • videos + recordings of zoom rooms, cell clips, horoscope adjacent things, anything worthy of recording, meditative moments caught in movement


  • downloads, backgrounds, workshops and things made for you. Find horoscopes and booklets and gifts from the universe to you via me in this space.


  • the altar of a cowgirl audio diary is basically a voice note from your bestie. tune in to hear about dreams, general thoughts, what’s happening in my life and wild stories.


  • this will take you to the artists way part of this portal


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Join The Altar

“I love The Altar. It is like getting to read the diary and immerse in the living, breathing inner world of another in a way that feels like, “oh! should I be reading this?” There is an intimacy that stirs emotion, curiosity and my own experiences like I have never had in an online community before. Forest has created a community that is an extension of her inner world and feels like it. The connections, support and thought expansions are magnetic and abundant. In a world where Fo doesn’t hold back her heart, no one else in it does either.” - Elle

Audio Diary

  • The Audio Diary contains my musings, poems, and me talking out loud like I’m sending my bestie a voice note. (which I am if you’re listening hehe).


  • 10AM EST / 1AM AST Sunday Mornings in August

    45-60 minutes

    Cowgirl’s Oracle Card Pull

    Coffee and dream catching and watering the garden and waking up together in the zoom room ether. Join, enjoy, deep breath.


  • Friday, July 21st - Cringe Camp ‘23


Messenger Doves

  • A conscious, funny, and spiritual community of people who want to delve into dream symbolism, look at the patterns of their periods, and know what colour you’re feeling today. It’s the perfect kind of weird that lets you venture deeper into self-exploration & find new ways to romance your life.

  • This is the easiest way to get updates on new posts, what’s happening, and connect with The Altar community.



  • The Altar is a place of reverence, contemplation, and connection. The goal here is to give you examples + tools to engage more deeply with your everyday life and learn to romanticize things in a way that is beyond beauty and brings us more deeply into presence.

  • There are a few good reasons to join. The first for me is always community - having a place to talk about real things, to share the insights and symbols of your life, to be heard and felt and seen. We have a whatsapp group that is VERY active as well as weekly “office hours” meetings which are basically just a free-for-all zoom-room hang-out.

    The second reason is maybe because you’re a bit nosey… curious… whatever you want to pin it as. You want to dive into the diary entries and insights of a persons mind. You want the BTS and the “fake conversations” they are having and displaying and maybe you also want an example of what it’s like to be many creative things and not have to pin yourself down into one label or one art form. Maybe you want permission to create as it feels good and know there is support. Maybe you want to learn to see art in a grocery list.

    The third reason is access. People in the altar get access to work that is only published here, special workshops, discounts on services and products, and of course the content that is only seen/available in The Altar!

  • The Altar is for poets, creatives, mystics, spiritual folks, curious individuals and anyone who just feels called to support me and my work. It’s for the people who don’t work in a linear way and want to explore what that actually looks like and means. It’s for the people who want a place to come to to talk about how they keep seeing 333 or what the fuck is going on in astrology because something strange is happening.

    It’s for the people who do (or want to) see beauty and art in everything. It’s for the silly people, it’s for the “it’s not so serious” people, it’s for the ones who know spiritual living isn’t just woo-woo and want to actually have a place to explore the full spectrum of just being a fucking person!

  • The Altar is a monthly subscription, with two options. Both of the payment options give you the same thing.

    You can join for $8.88 a month or $16.66 a month.

    These pricing tiers are for accessibility, so if it is feasible for you to pay more then you know you’re supporting and artist and her work! And if you still want to join but know that you’re budgeting in your life then the $8.88 tier will get you all the same experiences with more accessibility.

  • An Altar is a place of reverence, whether it is the dashboard of our car or laying in the grass watching the clouds or maybe something you’ve set up in a special place in your home. Altars are everywhere, they can be simple or complex - found or created. And to me, an altar is a place to find reverence and presence for what is. It is an opportunity to see beauty and purpose and the universe around us at all times - even in the claw hand that holds my keys and a bubble tea and a flower someone gave me on the street.

    A Cowgirl is someone who is equally tough and tender, can listen to the weather and the landscape and also break in a horse. The Cowgirl represents all of our abilities to hold duality within ourselves and to continually be able to find ourselves in whatever out natural world may be - city or country, water or land. The Cowgirl listens, responds, gives back and honours the earth, is sincere and straightforward and soft. It is the embodiment of our own dualities and dichotomies. The wildness within us and having a place to luxuriate in it instead of trying to tame it.

    Together, Altar of a Cowgirl speaks to everyones ability to be in the truth of their being; to be in the divinity of presence and all the pockets + portals it holds.

    It is genderless, it is timeless, it is not bound to a particular space or way of living.

    • 20% off readings with Forest

    • Monthly Symbolism Forecasts

    • poetry, articles, think pieces and more exclusive writing content (over 100 pieces and constantly growing)

    • exclusive access to photo + art archives

    • free downloadable content

    • access to most workshops

    • weekly “office hour” check-ins

    • Messenger Doves whatsapp community

    • Audio Diary (which is free for everyone to access but there is way more relevancy when you listen and join in on the writing!)

    • Access to The Artist’s Way portal & content (including a free PDF of the book)

    • and a bunch of other stuff like videos, recipes, ebooks and first access to special drops.