
taroscopes Forest Greenwell taroscopes Forest Greenwell

Aquarius Season

fixed air, the water bearer, jan 19-feb 18


fixed water, ruled by saturn, the water bearer, jan 21-feb 18

Wills's Cigarettes "Lucky Charms" (series of 50 issued in 1923)No12 Aquarius - The Water-Bearer

Welcome to Aquarius season! Where we learn big lessons and gain a lot of wisdom – sometimes the hard way. This fixed air sign is often referred to as the humanitarian or the water bearer. I love the imagery of the water bearer, this notion that in this sign there is an ability to build a relationship with giving and receiving wisdom.

Aquarius is also a no bullshit sign that asks us to get real and honest with what we feel our lives should look like, the impacts we make and the changes we generate with our choices. This is a season that will ask you to compost your dreams as much as make space for them to flourish. At the end of the day, where this is may not be the softest of signs it is one of the most heartfelt. It feels not just for itself, but for everyone and everything it is connected to. Don’t forget to be you amidst everything that is unfolding and remember that making choices for yourself is just as powerful as making choices for those around you.

I will be reading with just the Coleman-Smith (Rider-Waite) deck for the most clarity as it is my speciality.


Aries + Aries Rising

7 of Cups Rx, Judgement Rx, 9 of Pentacles

If you want to see the fruits of your labour, this is a time to realign yourself with your why. It’s easy in the world we live in for practical realities to override the desires of our hearts, but the truth of it is that our truest intention in an endeavour does change the energy of it – even if it just changes how we can show up in it. This season is an opportunity to remind yourself of what hasn’t worked, where to let sleeping dogs lay, and how to focus on what is working and uplift that. In order to see the fruits you’ll need to clear the debris. With patience, sacrifices and determination you’ll come out of Aquarius season feeling more abundant for it’s lessons.

Taurus + Taurus Rising

King of Wands, 9 of Wands, Blank

Taurus, we’ve been watching to steadily grow into a prosperous place. It seems Aquarius season wants to give you that last nudge of expansion into your dreams, taking all the theoretical and hard to quantify work. Stepping into a big new space of the unknown can be scary, especially for earth signs that like to know where and what they are grounded in. There is a reminder here that as long as you know how it is you want to feel in your life, you will be able to anchor yourself in these next steps. Whatever worries have ailed your mind will not be healed by staying away in the what-if place, but will be healed by exploring the what-if places. Allow yourself to take big leaps into new horizons and trust that all of your careful planning and becoming won’t lead you astray.

Gemini + Gemini Rising

4 of Pentacles Rx, 10 of Cups, Page of Pentacles

You start off Aquarius season taking stock of your resources, which is a great way to begin anything Gemini. You’ve put in the hours to find balance in your life, and when it is restored it is a precious thing that can’t be taken lightly. As you venture out into the world with this balance in tact you feel the support you’ve been working towards and allowing into your life. All of the turns and twists truly did lead to the place where the wellspring to fill your cup was awaiting you. You’ll come out of this season feeling curious about what it means to make intentional investments of your resources into your life and watch as they bloom.

Cancer + Cancer Rising

The Hermit Rx, 6 of Swords Rx, 5 of Pentacles Rx

Cancer, you have a tendency to hide away from things when it starts to get rough, and while that is a valuable skill to have these cards serve as a reminder to use your time inside of yourself well. It is okay to retreat every once in a while, it is okay to rest. But when you find yourself hiding, it’s time to ask what you hope to change what you’re hiding from into if everything within stays the same? You move through thoughts, fears, and notions that have plagued you but don’t actually serve you to be more compassionate or aware or prepared. The things that circle in your mind in fear are under deep examination, and you realize that there actually are things you can do to quiet the voices. Your self-worth is worthy of reinforcing and supporting.

Leo + Leo Rising

5 of Wands, The Lovers Rx, The Chariot Rx

The beginning of this season is going to feel like a battle, Leo. Your job is to pick all the pieces apart and find their common denominator and work out how to move forward with it. There are so many options when it comes to changing your mind, and the best way to support yourself through it is to show up honestly in what you need in all fronts, but also confront what it is that you are willing to do. You will be finding more clarity about how to surrender to the kind of guidance that requires patience. While big things are underway, you need to be underway to so you can show up in it. You need to leave your inner comfort zone and recognize what needs to be done to be successful in the eyes of your own values, and risk being uncomfortable in the adventure of becoming yourself.

Virgo + Virgo Rising

The Sun, Ace of Swords, Page of Cups

The season ahead feels like it brings clarity and blessings Virgo. While there is a patch here in the middle that will ask you to work to find answers that are of you instead of those around you, the front and back ends of this season bring you and your inner child peace. Sometimes we are under the illusion that following our most dizzy daydreams is the only way to appease the little us inside, but truthfully doing justice to that true part of ourselves first means protecting it. Maybe you’ve found a steady job that allows you to have the energy and freedom to make art after hours while still paying the bills. Maybe you’ve dropped an attitude about certain ways of living that actually don’t have a good or bad value assigned to them. You come out of this month curious about what is coming forward for you when all your needs are met and nourished.

Libra + Libra Rising

Page of Cups, Ace of Pentacles Rx, The Moon Rx

As air moves through air this season, you’re going to find that the most innocent feelings, ideas and realizations can become monumental when planted in the proper soil. This means, be as intentional as possible as you move through whatever feelings and intuitions come up this month. I know Libra is often seen as indecisive, but I think that part of that is that the extremes often feel like more feasible choices than the middle path. This is the time to face your feelings about going down the middle road; the discomfort, the lack of stimulation always present, the steady pace it provides. You have work here to ask yourself what the life you want really, truly looks like and how you can make friends with the parts of yourself that feel avoidant of peace because of a story that it’s not good enough, boring, or you’re not capable. How you move through this will be the basis for who you are committed to being as you move forward.

Scorpio + Scorpio Rising

Knight of Cups Rx, The High Priestess, Queen of Pentacles

Scorpio, you’re not afraid to feel and we know that. But not feeling things 100% doesn’t mean you are tuned out or failing your instincts. When you allow yourself moments to pause, rest, and restore you actually have more of what you need to navigate big decisions and feelings. You can hear the voice of your intuition that much more clearly. Whatever journey you are on, remember to nourish and pace yourself adequately so you may hear and appear for the signs and synchronicities that await you. There may be trade offs in Aquarius season, but whatever it is that you let go of is an investment. By the end of the month you’ll see some of the fruits of your labours, and understand that abundance through restriction doesn’t mean you’re going at things half-way but that you’re actually able to put some of your energy into choices that support you instead of carrying the weight of making necessary choices longer than you need to.

Sagittarius + Sagittarius Rising

10 of Wands, The Moon, Queen of Pentacles Rx

This season is going to start off with a heavy load, but part of your work is to look at how you can most practically and efficiently carry and move with all the things that need to get done. The reality is you don’t need to carry everything with you to have access to it – in fact when you get so focused on what you’re bringing the path ahead can become more elusive than ever. When those feelings arise, take a deep breath, look at the blue print and get clear about what is essential, what is performative, and what is perfection. You have to go through it to grow through it, so whatever lays ahead of you just remember that staying in hiding and protection doesn’t get you further along the path. Make friends with your anger, shame, and other demons and know they aren’t there to bring you down on your journey but to show you essential things you may have missed without their keen eyes. By the end of the season you’ll be deeply seated in your self worth and have more active knowledge about who you are and what you are capable of. Do what is essential, leave the rest. Move through the things that seem scary. Allow yourself to recognize the scope of the tasks you’ve accomplished and enjoy (and trust) where you are now seated within yourself.

Capricorn + Capricorn Rising

10 of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles Rx, The Lovers Rx

You’ve been putting in work Capricorn, and while that’s nothing new for you this isn’t work just for the sake of doing. It has been the ever sacred work of becoming. As you venture further into knowledge, practices, and places that deeply honour you and vice versa you see the keystone fall into place for the next step of the venture. Maybe it’s been there for a while and you’re finally seeing it for the open door that it is. In order to keep moving forward, investing in yourself is essential here. Coming back to practices that allow you to venture into the unknown, you can now face the motivating factors that perhaps weren’t always in alignment with your goal and revitalize that energy. As the season rounds out, you’ll notice that this attuning brought you closer to divinity within yourself. The recognition we are on the right path isn’t always what is happening externally but how we feel internally, and you are working towards a harmonized alignment of all aspects of yourself. Let the pieces fall into place and what doesn’t work fall away.

Aquarius + Aquarius Rising

2 of Wands, Ace of Pentacles Rx, Page of Wands Rx

It’s your season, Aquarius, and you’re itching for a new view, experience, or path to walk. But like everyone else, there is a bit of inner work to do to get clear about what you want, why you want it, and who you’re committed to being in it. While you may see many sides of things (perhaps more than the average person) that doesn’t mean you can choose all sides. In fact, that wanting to choose it all is what has you in the place of needing to truly choose something. As you stumble back into the places where your dreams and diaries are stored, the visions you started out with are made fresh to you once again and you find something that is worth investing in with different eyes than before. The end of this season brings you into action for that core truth or choice, allowing you to get playful with where it can be planted. Allow yourself to trust your instincts as much as your mind this season, Aquarius. It will serve you well long-term.

Pisces + Pisces Rising

The Hanged Man, Death, Wheel of Fortune Rx

Big changes cometh this season, Pisces. While you may start this season feeling stuck, I promise you that there is more than you could hope for coming in this time. The key to starting is to allow yourself to fully surrender. You can’t change circumstances you haven’t fully looked at or understood yet, so allow the discomfort of right now to suspend you in a necessary perspective shift. You don’t have to stay stuck, but you also can’t stay the same in these changes and hope for everything around you to do the work. Make peace with what you know you have to let go of, even if the letting go doesn’t feel totally peaceful. You might have anxiety, or worries, or second-thoughts and that is totally normal. But if you see the light at the end of the tunnel don’t take your eyes off it. As the world and circumstances around you shift, you will have opportunities to change your own patterning as well. Step into your self-worth and the truth of your desires; you’ll see the right things fall into place when you embrace that life never planned to keep you stuck. Do your part here – surrendering seems passive but it can be a massive undertaking to see what ails us and not let it consume or control us.

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