Pisces Season

water, mutable, the fish, neptune, feb 19-march 19

Welcome to the end of the zodiac cycle. Sweet Pisces season comes to help us move through the end of old patterns, start the flow to new places and help us connect our dreams to our reality.

Pisces helps us dive deep into the ocean of our psyche to discover and excavate things that were said to be lost, myths of ourselves and past lives, and find currents that are imperceptible on the surface of our lives.

While this is said to often be a dreamy sign (and it is) it is also a transformative sign. The mutable energy of Pisces takes what was and turns it into what is. It allows us to know that our rich inner-world has a function in our reality. This is where we dive into new pools of interest, have heightened dreams and intuition, and allow our emotions to guide us.

It can be helpful to learn where in your body your intuition shows up to guide you, and allow yourself to get dreamy in action. Rearrange your space, make art, reinvent yourself, spring clean the old vibes from your life.

The following is your vibe check for Pisces Season 2022

General Vibe

How we start Pisces Season: 10 of Pentacles
Mid-Season: Judgement
Where we end up: 4 of Cups Rx, rooted in The Lovers
With lessons in: King of Cups

What to keep in mind: The Star
Work of the heart: 5 of Swords Rx

Translation: We start off this season with a portal of sorts. There have been so many things built up to where you find yourself now, and regardless of what has had to happen to get here there is a recognition of the significance of how far we’ve come. As we move through Pisces season we’re going to have to reckon with old emotions, past parts of ourselves and our lives. It doesn’t matter what you vowed or promised the last time you were faced with this. You have to ask yourself how to set boundaries not just with the world around us, but the world within us. Embody the truth of everything you’ve learned about yourself in the process of this transformation; maybe its been years in the making or weeks. The thing is, we’re not looking to win. We’re looking to have peace. How can you hold up your end of peacekeeping in your life? As we come out of Pisces season we are gifted with something to nourish the deepest self. Acknowledge what it takes to bring your entire self on the journey. It’s okay if your heart feels nervous. It’s okay if giving up old patterns and ways of thinking feel hard. Ultimately it is courageous to have hope, and baring our hearts to hope on the journey of healing in our becoming is really what this season is all about. Allow yourself to experience the beauty of truth within you and around you, even if you feel suspicious of it.


Queen of Swords, 10 of Swords, The Hierophant Rx

On the cusp of your own season, Aries, you start of Pisces season with a good look at yourself. Are you really still the person you are trying to unbecome? Are you so far off, if not further into a new self than perhaps you noticed? There are many small deaths this season, both good and grieving. Ultimately, at the end of it all you have to ask yourself how to get comfortable with things actually being good. With you actually being able to trust yourself and support yourself. Without having to do what you’ve done, or be who you’ve been in order to step forward into the support and power of trusting the being of yourself in the right now. There will be many clarifying moments and you’ll leave this season with keys to a deep inner sanctum that has been totally renovated. Allow yourself to be guided by the power of this self as you learn to lean into its embodiment.


King of Wands Rx, 3 of Swords Rx, 3 of Wands

Taurus, you are very familiar with believing in yourself. But you also are very familiar with staying in the same bounds of what you believe. Pisces season sees you looking at all those dreams on your pinterest board and sticky notes with passing genius. This is a time for you to grow and push into new territory. In doing so, you come against old pains, stories, and patterns that have been waiting to become dislodged for good. As you work out the kinks, allow yourself to cleanse your home, spirit, and patterns. Ultimately your biggest gift here is to try. Try for the things that you think are dreams. You’ll venture to the end of this season well adorned with all the parts of yourself that give you strength, purpose, and power. There is a new horizon you’re facing. You really do have everything you need with, and far more supports than detriments.


The Star, Knight of Swords Rx, Judgement Rx

This season starts with authenticity and vulnerability for you, Gemini. The familiar mutable energy surges through this season and asks you to be adaptable in a way that doesn’t bend you until you break. In a way that doesn’t ask you to take every single idea and find the path for it, but the essence of all things you create and call into creation. What happens if you infuse all of this into yourself instead of attempt to externalize it. What if you take all the energy you use for making space for yourself in the world and untangle the threads of thought into something that brings you peace instead of having to seek peace. Judgement asks us to look at all the versions of us that are asking for attention and a chance in the spotlight. I think the most important part of this season is to not forfeit or sell short the embodiment of peace. The chase of it is just that - a chase. Switch gears into being instead of achieving. You’ve already become all that you need right now, it’s time to enjoy it and let go of what sits in the way of that pleasure.


Page of Cups Rx, The Hanged Man Rx, Blank

In a world that wants receipts for every ounce of self-care we enact in, Cancer, you start Pisces season with the reminder that the care you enact for yourself is for you. Your boundaries are for you. It takes immense courage to embody your current truth, and it takes even more courage to let your truth be influenced by your dreams. You’re learning to interact with your power in a different way than you have before. Instead of seeking it or setting traps, we must find ways to make space. Ultimately Cancer, I think you have more power and capability than you let yourself believe. Sinking into the truth of what you are capable of allows you to step into a phase of growth that will be nearly unmatched. If this is the season to pull our dreams down from the heavens and into our reality there is a reminder here that we need to be okay with getting uncomfortable in the process. Push your growth edge, try new things, and allow yourself to be greater than you give yourself credit for. Wherever you go, there you are - but in the most glorious and wonderful way where your deepest self will never abandon your truest heart.


King of Wands, Temperance Rx, Death Rx

Leo, you come into Pisces season with your head held high and your heart held open. This isn’t to be mistaken with softness, but willingness. There is a need here to recognize the power you have when you choose that which strengthens you instead of that which you are told you need to be or do in order to be strong. As you move into this season, change is on the horizon of the self. Instead of awaiting it to come forward, you do what you can to prepare for its embrace. Your sun is always somewhere to be found in the landscape of your life, and here hope is far from lost although that which you hope for may still be a journey away. Ultimately, Pisces season wants to help you embody and move from a place of peace. Finding the balance of what has come and what is to come is just the stepping stone that takes you into a place that feels totally new and overhauled. What you believe in for yourself has the most power here right now, so don’t shy away from embracing what you need to in yourself to allow the feelings to be as strong as the knowing.


The Empress, 7 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles

Virgo, start this season by allowing. Allowing yourself to feel empowered, allowing yourself to recharge, to be rejuvenated. Allow what is no longer to pass, allow what may be to come forward, allow what is no longer to pass. As you start this season feeling embodied in your truth and any new definitions for that truth that may be arising, you are given the strength and grace to face the things you have been yearning for that are an illusion. Whether wanted from a place of defence, or because it’s been sold as something shiny, or simply because you want it - here we remove the notion that nourishment comes when things are acquired. You see the way in which you’ve been chasing something that isn’t you or your heart. You see what planted the seeds and acknowledge how deep the roots go. We end the season with an acknowledgement that you are the only person who knows how to find and maintain your unique balance. Hold the pieces you are left with close to you and know that you don’t need give the world what it says it wants, because those wants will always keep you in the loop of never having enough.


Justice Rx, The Sun, The Emperor Rx

If it helps, view yourself like the “other” Libra. This Pisces season is asking you to use your dreams to zoom out and envision yourself not as you are now but who you are when you are seen with limitless possibility. It’s okay if you want to change your career. It’s okay if you want to move across the country. But the thing is, the okayness doesn’t come from just observation but allowing yourself to actually do what you want. This doesn’t mean just abandon ship, but it does mean start planning for a future you’re hopeful for. Allow yourself the peace of knowing that the work that lays ahead brings you closer to the pleasure of pursuing peace. Pisces season allows you to look to the challenges and use your imagination to find the peace in balancing just right with tension. You will see that when you look back at all the ways your actions didn’t support who you are, were actually an excavation of the path and resources that allowed you to support being yourself. Call it reparenting, restructuring, or maybe just a new hair washing routine but ultimately the embodiment of peace is the greatest asset you have in the construction of oneself.


Knight of Cups Rx, 9 of Wands Rx, Knight of Pentacles

Scorpio, I know sometimes the stillness is unbearable. But is pleasure not also partly unbearable? Is reaching orgasm not the scratching of an itch? Is the physically taxing, bile rising whirlwind of excitement not akin to anxiety? And when we stay in those places, do we not feel a kind of ecstasy in the stillness that is unbearable only in its impermanence? Wherever you are in your healing or feeling, find peace in staying as long as you need to feel truly ready to move on. It may feel as though you have to sneak past questions and acts that speak of a past self. While what you are moving forward with isn’t new, it does require you to dis-armour yourself this month while you get emotionally ready to come out into the world with these changes and tangible investments towards a self that you’ve become intimate with but perhaps are taking your time bringing to the outer worlds. Just know that while your feelings aren’t facts, they are potent sources of information still. Allow yourself to trust what feels good as you come out of Pisces season.


4 of Swords Rx, 5 of Wands, 6 of Cups

Entering Pisces season from your inner sanctum, there is a recharging that has been needed. Outside of you, the world happening and projecting and asking and seeking. But there is a reminder that while there is work that lays ahead in untangling our many desires and the root of them also means that we must truly face and interact with our many desires. Ultimately, the story about what we want isn’t the thing we want - the nourishment that comes from what we are looking to fulfill through the thing we want is where you end up as you move through this season. The inner child isn’t just a little us staring back into our eyes. It is the spirit of us embedded in the truth of everything we desire to do. Building a relationship with that self allows us to see our dreams not just as a literal fantasy to fulfil but as a notion of how we can find the most peace through feeling not through role playing. There are going to be many stories of ourselves that we wish to fulfill and in healing that which we can’t literally complete yet we can find the root of that desire and serve it in an accessible way to ourselves. This requires radical honesty and trust within yourself - all very manageable for you this season Sag.


Wheel of Fortune, 5 of Cups, Knight of Cups

Sometimes the hardest part of change is trusting it when it’s good. Capricorn, you’re not one to stay long in something that doesn’t work for you, but you also have a way of making things work. Here, you have to ask yourself - and be totally honest from the heart not the head - if you are making things work that actually don’t work for you. It may take some time to wrap your head around, but then you move through the middle of Pisces season actively recognizing the things you were carrying you that you were letting poison you because it was a more accessible truth than putting that thing down. Here, there is a major opportunity to refresh how you’ve been feeling, what you’ve been carrying, and how you care for yourself. It’s okay to let the cups go. It’s okay to be responsible to yourself before anything else. You do not have to make things harder. You don’t have to climb the mountain just because it’s there and just because you’ve done it. Now it is a time to challenge yourself with rest and being radically honest about if your rest is actually peaceful for you. Peace is the key this Pisces season, Capricorn - for you and everyone.


The Hermit Rx, 3 of Pentacles, 2 of Cups Rx

It is so easy for you to see the perspective of others, and even perhaps just imagined perspectives, that you so easily overlook the value of your own. Not that which of you have the capacity to see, but that which you actually see from where you specifically stand in your own life. This may require some general excavating of many cases in which you haven’t actually taken your own perspective into adequate account. This isn’t just something that will show up in your mind, but in your body and spirit as well. There is great opportunity here to deeply align and nourish yourself in a way that is often overlooked (and societally valued for being overlooked as well). But the reality is that you are actually not loosing anything valuable in this process but gaining something valuable. Your own unique perspective that involves your feelings and insights from a perspective of how it affects you truly will make you feel better and closer to yourself, but also do way more for the world as if you’re not sharing your point of view then no-one can do that for you. See self-actualization as self-liberation and self-empowerment this Pisces season.


5 of Wands, 6 of Cups, The Fool

There is so much coming your way this season Pisces that it might be your impulse to fight it. But ultimately the world is trying to give you opportunities to become yourself, not test you. This is your season, and a time to tend to your most endeared dreams. See how much of who you hope to be you already are. While life is inevitably more complicated than we can imagine as children, it is also inevitably more simple than we realize as adults. This is a time to balance between that inner-child and present-self knowledge. Ultimately it is an act of courage to try your hardest to embody the your truth and follow your dreams. It is an act of courage to have dreams. This season sets you off with a goodie bag full of potential, opportunities, and soon-to-be-wisdom. Don’t sell yourself short, because if you weren’t ready for what lays ahead then it wouldn’t be offered to you. Move through whatever nerves you have about trusting the good things and believe me when I say there is no shoe yet awaiting you to drop.


Aries Season


Aquarius Season